Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Welcome Back, Knights!


Required Student Materials



K-1 Scholars


2nd Grade Scholars

"Theory Time for Grade 2" ISBN: 1890348023

3rd Grade Scholars

"Theory Time for Grade 3" ISBN: 1890348031

4th Grade Scholars

"Theory Time Grade 4" ISBN: 189034804X

5th Grade Scholars

"Theory Time Grade 5" ISBN: 1890348058


*Please bring theory books as soon as possible!

Music History/Listening Overview

The 2nd-5th grade scholars will be introduced to a variety of genres of music as well as learn the history of composers. Picture glyphs, listening guides, google slides, and class discussions will assist students in understanding the sounds of each piece and its correlation to the time in which it was composed. Composers the students will listen to this year include J.S. Bach, Scarlatti, Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, and Saint-Saens. Kinder and 1st grade scholars will be learning traditional folk songs, using their bodies, instruments, and even art to imitate sounds of the music and discuss music terminology.

Music Listening/History

Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4

K-1 Scholars

Folk Songs, composer



Movements from


Nutrcracker", by Tchaikovsky

Folk Songs, composer highlights-

Beethoven and Prokoviev

Folk Songs, composer highlights- Saint-Saens

2nd Grade Scholars

Families of the Orchestra,

"Peter and the

Wolf" by


Movements from


Nutrcracker", by Tchaikovsky

Seasonal Listening: composer



Haydn, Ravel  

Seasonal Listening: composer highlights- Debussy, Schumann,


3rd Grade Scholars

Baroque Period: composer


Bach, Vivaldi,  Scarlatti

Early Classical Period:

composer highlight- Mozart

Late Classical Period:


highlight- Beethoven



composer highlights-  Schumann, Chopin, Ravel

4th and 5th Grade Scholars


Various Selections by:




Various Selections by:





Various Selections by:





Various Selections by:




Music Theory/Sight-Singing Overview

Students will be introduced to the fundamentals of basic music theory. Each grade level’s curriculum builds upon knowledge attained from the previous year. If your scholar is new to Archway, do not worry! We will begin the year reviewing all the necessary content. We will utilize classroom instruments throughout the school year to reinforce music theory and sightreading concepts. Theory books will be left in the music room during the school year. I will not be asking students to complete homework as all work will be done in class. 


Sight-reading is a time for students to put their knowledge of the fundamentals of music theory to practice. This is a great way to reinforce good reading habits (left to right; associating symbols with sounds/pitches) as well as practice the hand signs that correspond with the pitches.  


Music Theory/ Sight-Reading

Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4

K-1 Scholars

Sight-Reading: Quarter note/rest, pair of eighth notes, half note, La-Sol-Mi   Theory:


Fast/Slow, ABA


Sight-Reading: Whole note, dotted half note,



Theory: Line note/Space note, Staff, Dynamics

Sight-Reading: Half rest/Whole

rest, Re 



Theory: Treble

note names,


Sight-Reading: 3/4 time

signature, Ti and High Do 




Theory: Articulation markings, review tempo/dynamics, note names

2nd Grade Scholars

Sight-Reading: Quarter note/rest, pair of eighth

notes, half note,

La-Sol-Mi-Do Theory: Music alphabet, types of notes, stem rules, time signature

Sight-Reading: Whole note, dotted half note,



Theory: Steps, skips, repeats, drawing the treble clef, treble lines and spaces

Sight-Reading: Half rest/Whole rest, Fa 



Theory: Drawing bass clef, bass clef lines and spaces

Sight-Reading: 3/4 time

signature, Ti and High Do 




Theory: Review treble and bass clef names, rests, bar lines, measures, time signature

3rd-5th Grade Scholars 

*will vary in difficulty based on grade level

Sight-Reading: Quarter note/rest, pair of eighth notes, half note,

La-Sol-Mi-Do Theory: Music alphabet, types of notes, staff, rests, stem rules, intro to 16th note/rest

(5th only)

Sight-Reading: Whole note, dotted half note,



Theory: Drawing treble and bass clefs, naming notes in treble and bass clef, time signatures

Sight-Reading: Half rest/Whole rest, Ti-High Do  Theory: Rests, bar lines, measures, double bar lines, rhythm drills, ledger lines, melodic and harmonic intervals (5th only)

Sight-Reading: 3/4 time signature, Review major




Theory: Intervals, halfsteps/whole-steps, sharps and flats, major scale patterns



2024-2025 CONCERT DATES!

Archway Chandler scholars perform two times a school year in the CPA gym. These performances are mandatory for all students. SAVE THE DATES! Times for each grade level will be announced as we get closer to the event.


WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11 – Winter Concert

WEDNESDAY, MAY 7 – Spring Concert

Wednesday, April 3, 2024



Archway Chandler presents

Fine Arts Night

Spring Music Concert & Art Show


Wednesday, May 15


Schedule of Events

Art Show Times

Location – ACC Hallways


*Art show times are suggested, but not mandatory.

Vector illustration of musical notes on white background Vector illustration of musical notes on white background musical note stock illustrationsMusic Concert Times

Location – CPA GYM

*Students should arrive to their HOMEROOM CLASSROOM at ARCHWAY 15 minutes prior to their performance. Their teacher will walk them over to the gym at showtime.

Kindergarten Art Show

4:00 PM


1st Grade Art Show

4:30 PM

Kindergarten Music Concert

4:30 PM

2nd Grade Art Show

5:00 PM

1st Grade Music Concert

5:00 PM

3rd Grade Art Show

5:30 PM

2nd Grade Music Concert

5:30 PM

4th Grade Art Show

6:00 PM

3rd Grade Music Concert

6:00 PM

5th Grade Art Show

6:30 PM

4th Grade Music Concert

6:30 PM

Art Show CLOSES at 7:00 PM

5th Grade Music Concert

7:00 PM



·       You may attend the art show at any point between 4:00 and 7:00 PM. The suggested times are to limit congestion in the hallways and to ease traffic burdens.

·       Please do NOT attend the concert if you are ill. Students will not lose academic points for not attending Fine Arts Night due to illness.

·       Please allow extra time for parking when making arrangements for the evening.

·       Concert etiquette: please kindly stay seated during performances and turn cell phones to silent mode.

·       No food or drink in the gym.



·       Students may wear any combination of white and black (all white/all black is acceptable).

·       No spaghetti-straps, please. Dresses must be at the knee or longer.

·       Boys must wear a standard tie or bow tie (any color).


·       Questions?

o   Music K-5 - Mrs. Carpenter:

o   Art 2-5 – Mrs. Hesser:

o   Art K-1 – Mrs. King:

"Who Wants to Be an Opera Star"-Arizona Opera Performance


The Arizona Opera Company performed "Who Wants to Be an Opera Star" on Wednesday, March 27.

"Habanera" from Carmen by Bizet

"Largo al Factotum" from The Barber of Seville by Rossini

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Phoenix Symphony Visits Archway Chandler!

A woodwind quintet from the Phoenix Symphony visited Archway Chandler on Tuesday, October 3.

The instruments in the woodwind quintet are: the Flute, Oboe, French Horn, Bassoon, and Clarinet

All K-5 students followed along with the music by looking at a listening map. Student volunteers reorganized the listening map to create different "loops" for the instruments to play. Students were able to see how instrumentalists follow a score and create beautiful music together.


A woodwind quintet from the Phoenix Symphony will be visiting Archway Chandler and performing for the students in the MPR on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3. Performances will take place in the afternoon, so make sure your student is present that day!

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Welcome Back, Archway Knights!


Important Dates for the 2023-2024 School Year:

Wednesday, December 6 - Winter Music Concert

Wednesday, May 15 - Spring Music Concert

Wednesday, March 1, 2023


Archway Spring Music Concert
Wednesday, May 17

Location - CPA Gym

The Grade Level Choirs, Archway Strings, and Strings of the Round Table

Friday, January 13, 2023

Happy New Year!

 Happy New Year, Archway Families! 

I am excited to start a new semester with your children and dive deeper into the wonderful world of music. 


Please check out your grade level's blog tab to find out what's going on in their class this quarter! 

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Pictures for Ballet Etudes Performance - November 2022

 Ballet Etudes will be performing LIVE this coming Friday, November 4 for all of the students of Archway Chandler! The students will listen to great pieces of classical music and enjoy a ballet demonstration for each piece. Various ballets, such as "The Nutcracker", "Swan Lake", and "Coppelia" will be performed for the students. 

Music Class "Notes"!

Welcome Back, Knights!

  Required Student Materials   Consumables K-1 Scholars None 2nd Grade Scholars "Theory Time for Grade 2" ISBN: 1890348023 3rd Gra...