Monday, November 18, 2024


Today was a special day for our Archway musicians! The Phoenix Symphony Brass Quintet  visited our campus and performed several pieces. The students heard two trumpets, a French horn, a trombone, a tuba, and even a Tibetan Trumpet! The students saw how, when uncoiled, the brass instruments vary in length, which affects their pitch (how high or low). During the presentation, the students learned that sound comes from vibrations and that the brass players must buzz their lips into their mouthpieces to create enough vibration to get a sound!

We also listened as the brass musicians performed from all corners of the room in “surround sound” and reviewed the definitions of piano (soft) and forte (loud). Some of our Archway students had the opportunity to conduct the musicians and show them how to get louder and softer.

It was a very fun morning, and I encourage you to ask your scholar about it! I was very impressed at what wonderful audience members they were.


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